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Courtship of the Prince

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In the season of 1878-1879, twelve women were sent to the court of Prince Edmund as candidates for his hand in marriage. The formal procedure for this courtship, including several contests and events, is prescribed by the Hwicce Code.


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Someone that is bound to something, such as a genie to a bottle, or a ghost to some relic.


Use the Businesses Index to search, group, and filter.

A business as per the Business rules. This is mostly out of character information.


Use the Factions Index to search, group, and filter.

A faction is a group of people who work together for a common goal, such as a gang, clan, noble house, corporation, or nation. Factions may work together to form greater factions, and some factions such as countries may also be Locations.


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Use the Locations Index to search, group, and filter.

A location is an area in the world, such as a street, pub, city, forest, mountain or even an entire continent. Some locations, such as countries, may also be Factions.


Use the People Index to search, group, and filter.


Lady Aldwych (title)
Lady Alice
Lady Amy (title)
Lady Annabel (title)
Lady Anson (title)
Lady Arlington (alias)
Lady Arthura
Lady Ashdown (title)
Lady Aylesbury (title)
Lady Baillon (title)
Lady Beatrice (title)
Lady Beauchamp
Lady Becky (title)
Lady Belladonna (title)
Lady Bellamy (title)
Lady Bennet
Lady Bickersteth (title)
Lady Bingley (title)
Lady Birmingham (title)
Lady Charity (alias)
Lady Charlise
Lady Chelmsford (title)
Lady Christie (alias)
Lady Christina (title)
Lady Clarissa (title)
Lady Clemence (title)
Lady Corabin
Lady Cordia
Lady Cregan (title)
Lady Creslow
Lady Criana (title)
Lady Crowle
Lady Cynthia
Lady Davenport (title)
Lady Delgareh
Lady Diana (title)
Lady Diane (title)
Lady Doogan
Lady Dorothea (title)
Lady Dorothea (title)
Lady Dunlevy (title)
Lady Eagleton (title)
Lady Elana (title)
Lady Eleanor (alias)
Lady Elyn (title)
Lady Evelyn (title)
Lady Fahriye (title)
Lady Falkland (title)
Lady Ffione
Lady Finlay (title)
Lady Flora (title)
Lady Furndon (title)
Lady Gallorett (title)
Lady Genevieve (title)
Lady Glinka (title)
Lady Halliwell (title)
Lady Henburn
Lady Hennesy
Lady Hermione (title)
Lady Holli (title)
Lady Idley (title)
Lady Imogene (title)
Lady India
Lady India's Confessor
Lady Jackdaw (title)
Lady Jewell
Lady Kabble (title)
Lady Kisling (title)
Lady Lantry (title)
Lady Larsen (title)
Lady Lavery (title)
Lady Lenora (title)
Lady Lina
Lady Livia (alias)
Lady Lydia (title)
Lady Lynedoch (title)
Lady Magalena
Lady Mary (title)
Lady Matilda (title)
Lady Maybell
Lady Moynihan (title)
Lady Natalie (title)
Lady Norfolk (title)
Lady Northall (title)
Lady Noëlla
Lady of Beauty (alias)
Lady Phoebe Eagleton
Lady Priscilla (title)
Lady Purden (title)
Lady Refik (alias)
Lady Renham (title)
Lady Sara
Lady Sarah-Ann (title)
Lady Scarwor
Lady Sitas (title)
Lady Smollen (title)
Lady Sophia (title)
Lady Sue (title)
Lady Talog (title)
Lady Teague (title)
Lady Theresa (title)
Lady Tynedale (title)
Lady Uleaven
Lady Vallance
Lady Vallory
Lady Vivian (title)
Lady Walburg
Lady Westen
Lady Wheeler (title)
Lady Yolanda (title)
Laird Price (title)
Lao Tsun
Larry Weisz
Laura Cregan
Laura Stonesmith
Laurence Desfours
Laverne Morrissy
Layton Cloud
Lenora Woolcott
Li Hua Qing
Li Zhang (title)
Lieutenant Tobin (title)
Lilly Callington
Ling Zhang (title)
Livia Creslow
Livia Gladstone (alias)
Lonidamus (alias)
Lord Aldwych (title)
Lord Arman
Lord Aylesbury (title)
Lord Bickersteth (title)
Lord Doogan (title)
Lord Exter (title)
Lord Falkland (title)
Lord Fulebroc (title)
Lord Hertford (title)
Lord Krain (title)
Lord MacDuff (title)
Lord Northall (title)
Lord Oakley (title)
Lord of Upper, Lower and Inner Carniola (alias)
Lord Reddican
Lord Renham (title)
Lord Reynolds (title)
Lord Rook (title)
Lord Rueksbee (title)
Lord Varne (title)
Louise de La Fayette
Louise Thompkins
Louvenia Connel
Lucas Moynihan
Lucy (title)
Lucy Stratton
Luke (title)
Luke Chadwick
Luther Clyburne
Lwazi Zulu
Lydia Finlay
Lydia van Helsing


MacMing (title)
Madam Midnight (title)
Madam Wight (title)
Mademoiselle Thérèse (title)
Madisan Hanrahan
Major Lytton (title)
Mali Kamara (alias)
Mali Kamara
Malysh Borovich
Manuel Beley
Manus the Dane
Marcellus Vernell
Marchioness de La Fayette (title)
Margaret Longley
Maria Clarissa Seigel
Marion Furndon
Mark Plemont
Marnice Alcorn
Martin Kingsley
Mary Underwood
Mary Young
María de las Mercedes Valero y Anaya
Master of the South Gate of Mount Qaf (alias)
Matilda Elkins
Matthew Riddington
Maud Pritchard
Maybell Cowl (alias)
Maybell Teague
Melanie Chapman
Michael Despard
Michael Parisy
Mildred (title)
Mildred Churchill
Mildred Cooper
Milly Bruta
Minerva Litgate
Minerva Swaisbrick
Ming Vas
Miss Alcorn (title)
Miss Alice (title)
Miss Bonheur (title)
Miss Brook (title)
Miss Callington (title)
Miss Caroline (title)
Miss Clarissa (title)
Miss Connel (title)
Miss Cowen
Miss Dosett (title)
Miss Edith (title)
Miss Evans (title)
Miss Faye (title)
Miss Gladstone (alias)
Miss Green (title)
Miss Hartward (title)
Miss Josephine (title)
Miss Kali
Miss Langford (alias)
Miss Litgate (title)
Miss Margaret (title)
Miss Melanie (alias)
Miss Michaud (title)
Miss Milligan (title)
Miss Morrissy (title)
Miss Nevil
Miss O'Kearney (title)
Miss Piercy (title)
Miss Steele (title)
Miss Thames (title)
Miss Thompkins (title)
Miss Underwood (title)
Miss Valero (title)
Miss Virginia (title)
Miss Wickham (title)
Miss Wright (title)
Mister Galvan (alias)
Morgan Tresay
Morris Angler
Mr Palerma
Mr Pickersgill (title)
Mr. Alton (title)
Mr. Angler (title)
Mr. Baker (title)
Mr. Baker (title)
Mr. Baldry (title)
Mr. Baldry (title)
Mr. Baldry (title)
Mr. Barnes (title)
Mr. Beel (title)
Mr. Bent (title)
Mr. Bingley (title)
Mr. Blackwood (title)
Mr. Bleke (title)
Mr. Bricklesworth (title)
Mr. Brown (title)
Mr. Carey
Mr. Carlisle (title)
Mr. Clyburne (title)
Mr. Colmy (title)
Mr. Corby (title)
Mr. Cotter (title)
Mr. Dinan
Mr. Doegal (alias)
Mr. Galvan (title)
Mr. Gardener (title)
Mr. Gladstone (title)
Mr. Gladstone
Mr. Gladstones
Mr. Gladstones (title)
Mr. Gladstones (title)
Mr. Gray (title)
Mr. Green (title)
Mr. Gregarious
Mr. Handerson (title)
Mr. Harrison (alias)
Mr. Hunniford
Mr. Johnson (title)
Mr. Keafney (title)
Mr. Kenneth
Mr. Lake (title)
Mr. Li Hua Qing (title)
Mr. MacEntha (alias)
Mr. MacErith
Mr. Mansfeld (title)
Mr. Marshall (title)
Mr. McFlite (title)
Mr. McLennan (title)
Mr. Merod (alias)
Mr. Monet (title)
Mr. Morgan (title)
Mr. Morrison (title)
Mr. Newcombe (title)
Mr. O'Connel (title)
Mr. Potter (alias)
Mr. Purcell (title)
Mr. Reed (title)
Mr. Reid
Mr. Reskin (title)
Mr. Rickard (title)
Mr. Riddington (title)
Mr. Roberts (title)
Mr. Sherridan (title)
Mr. Skerit (title)
Mr. Vex (title)
Mr. von Geldern (title)
Mr. Wade (title)
Mr. Weldon (title)
Mr. William Neish Esq.
Mrs. Baker (title)
Mrs. Baldry (title)
Mrs. Canterbury (title)
Mrs. Coleman (title)
Mrs. Cressingham (title)
Mrs. Dorming (alias)
Mrs. Hefferan (title)
Mrs. Houlton (title)
Mrs. Lake (title)
Mrs. Lawson (title)
Mrs. Lewis (title)
Mrs. Logan (title)
Mrs. Miggins (title)
Mrs. Moore (title)
Mrs. Parker (title)
Mrs. Pembershire (title)
Mrs. Pettitt (title)
Mrs. Pritchard (title)
Mrs. Stonesmith (title)
Mrs. Swaisbrick (title)
Mrs. Wakefield (title)
Mrs. Warner (alias)
Mrs. Whitaker (title)
Msgr. Baptiste (title)
Muriella Hogshaw


Use the Types Index to search, group, and filter.

An indication of a creature's type often offers a rough guess on their expected strengths, weaknesses, and ways of interacting with the world.

Used Tags

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