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People (in Setting)


Scullery maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to all kitchen staff
Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Eliza
Scullery Maid for the Rest household, answers to everyone
Kitchen Maid for the Rest household, answers to Mrs. Coleman
Caught red-handed when trying to summon Edward the Confessor
Seventh wife of the sorcerer Akurduana
Gardener for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Riddington
Chamber maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Vivian
Very approachable lady in New Orleans, likes parties and can often be found dancing
The Arch-Bishop of Kent and the London Territory
The baron of Dover
Heki affiliated figure
The baron of Portsmouth and surroundings
Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Eliza
Kitchen maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mrs. Moore
Housemaid for the Rest household, answers to Mrs. Baker
Woman from the Sikis tribe
Childe of the Clan Angliae Primogen, Whip of the clan
Caught red-handed when trying to summon Edward the Confessor
Designer assistant of Msgr. Baptiste
Childer and heir apparent of Prince Longsdorf of San Francisco
Touchy french assistant of Msgr. Baptiste
One of two twin ghoul footmen of Miss Gladstone. David is the more confident of the set.
A former close friend of Prince Edmund who was cast out of the court.
Detective Superintendant
Doctor who knowest too much.
Psychologist and Alienist for the Kindred community
Goodhearted husband of Mrs. Pembershire
Doctor who accepts payment in exchange for moral flexibility.
Former doctor at Moorefield Asylum
The current Earl of Essex
(In OOC limbo due to new economic rules)
Second footman of Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
Former king of England and now Ghost
Head Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Eliza
A widow who keeps up two personas to fit in with different cliques in Los Angeles
Chamber maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Vivian
A swan of sorts, possibly involved with Courtship of the Prince
Senior parlourmaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Gabrielle
Priest of Sanctuary.
Garden boy for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to all gardeners
Head parlour maid of Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Footman for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
Elderly leader of the Hip Yee
Parlour maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Gabrielle
Garden boy for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to all gardeners
One of two twin ghoul footmen of Miss Gladstone. Henry strives to fulfill his duties as best he can.
Traveller going to Mount Qaf
A bit of a lone wolf
Indian scout from Charlottes
Gardener for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Riddington
Second Footman for the Rest household, answers to Mr. Wade
Footman for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
The quiet and irritable boatswain of the SS Stanton
Parlour maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Gabrielle
Youngest member of The Greens, used to live in Aiton Orphinage
Kindred from Amsterdam who was killed due to a Bloodhunt
Kine ballgoer who likes knowing who goes where.
Caught red-handed when trying to summon Edward the Confessor
Famous author
Gardener for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Riddington
Garden boy for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to all gardeners
Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Eliza
Powerful genie that guarded Alexander's treasure
Young noblewoman who loves to read
Young noblewoman that often wears very notable hair styles
German lady married to a british viscount, likes winter but dislikes the London rains
Wife of Sir Ashdown, takes care of outcasts
Religiously active harpy who married into nobility
Lady in charge of the foundation for Aiton Orphinage
Yound lady with an interest in photography
Friendly lady, overly cheerful and always pandering to a larger crowd.
Attractive lady who lives with the Earl of Essex
Expert in the area of animals and beasts
Married lady of French origin, behaves in a very familiar fashion towards her lady friends
Lady at the Court of the Prince, in a long-lasting conflict with Archibald
Eldest Childe of Mrs. Pembershire, recently married
Ambitious married lady intent on raising her social status and influence
Lady with practical and conservative tastes in fashion
Obedient and pious childe of Lady Aylesbury
Umarried lady, with an interest in antique furniture and art
Unmarried lady in search of a husband, very picky, with a literary education and witty disposition
Knows a lot of catholic mysticism, pen friend of Lady Lantry
Responsible for the logistics of the Courtship of the Prince
Bohemian lady who spends a lot of time in Kew Gardens
Sent to the palace of the Prince as a candidate for his hand
Young noblewoman who seems to be perpetually in deep thought
Senior members of the Court of the Prince
Attractive lady who lives with the Earl of Essex
Unmarried lady of an inquisitive nature, has a knack for hairdoes and picking the right dresses
Young lady with blonde hair that makes her own hats
Young lady that adores horses and riding
Craves attention for her very appearance, knows magic to permanently change a kindred's appearance
Lover of Sir di Grimani
Attractive lady who lives with the Earl of Essex
Young lady that experiments with types of dresses and fabrics
Still unmarried lady with very long hair
Ottoman lady living in London, dutiful supporter of her husband when he is in London
French wife of Lord Falkland, sister of Sir de Beauvoir
Sent to princely hand from Wessex.
Married lady that stands out due to her often high hats.
Well informed cousin of Sir Hogan
Publicly proper, but privately somewhat flirty lady, married to Sir Furndon
Kindred living at Halpine House, originally arrived from the Ottoman empire.
Daughter of French immigrated gentry
Mostly solitary member of the Malificae Nocterna knowledgable about demons
Socialite at least pretend noble
Sent to the palace of the Prince as a candidate for his hand
Young lady, engaged to Mr. Baldry
Patient from The Asylum suffering from Furor Uterinus
Newest member of Clan Trilion
Unmarried lady that believes in ghosts and spirits
Good with animals, has an elephant
Ghouled elephant brought in by Lady India
Young lady who joined the Kindred community in 1874.
Fledgeling member of Rest
Unmarried lady with an interest in accessories.
Wife of one of the members of the Power Plant Club, knows a lot about fashion.
Freespirited woman with unusual dark eyes
Friend of Lord Reynolds who lacks fashion sense
Married noblewoman with an affinity for hats
Unmarried lady possessed by Mali Kamara.
London member of the Van Helsing family
Baroness of Lynedoch, living in London separated from her husband
Sent to the palace of the Prince as a candidate for his hand
Recalcitrante childe of Lord Aylesbury
Childe of Lady Northall who is trying to outdo her older sister
Somewhat naive lady who is part of the Court of the Prince
Young lady that likes to go out to parties, regardless of her parents' approval
Countess of Norfolk turned shortly after Lady Gallorett
Harpy going through difficult times financially
Caught red-handed when trying to summon Edward the Confessor
Permanently moody noblewoman
Unmarried lady with a keen interest in detectivework
Elderly Dowager Baroness who lives alone
Wife of Sir Smollen who loves to gossip with the other wives of Power Plant Club members.
Young noblewoman with her mind set on being a writer
Young lady with very fair curls
Member of the Malificae Nocterna specializing in "Kitchen Magic"
Unmarried lady with a passion for drama and gossip.
Young noblewoman that spends most of her time sketching and drawing
Sent to the palace of the Prince as a candidate for his hand
Noblewoman who was somehow at the Christmas Ball
Knows a lot about the blood and vitae, maintains a large herd all living in the same street
Lady who lives in Board House and refused to dance with Sir di Grimani
Very efficient harpy of clan Furantur.
Lady at the Court of the Prince
Lady who does not talk much
Childe of Lord Oakley. Thinks her life is difficult
Forward young man with unusually dark eyes
Creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a lion
A medium and psychic
Youngest sister of Miss Faye and Ling Zhang
Right hand of Captain Brickdale, deputy whip
Pious nobleman of Templar descent
Kindred with interest in the London Harbour
Wealthy Scholar and Bachelor
Scottish guest and new arrival in London, hoping to acquire position and status
Childe of Lord Aylesbury who values personal honour
Extremely well dressed baron
Austrian-American conman claiming Duchy of Krain (Slovenia)
Destitute Viscount trying to maintain his estates
Wealthy aristocrat with connections to Prince Edmund
Plotting Lord from the Court of the Prince
Member of the Power Plant Club who is quite pleasant so long as he isn't drinking
Chief investigator for the Prince
land owner and a bit of a dandy (investor)
Baron of Varne
Agent of the Manhattan hub, The Deliverer
Chamber maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Vivian
Groom for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. O'Connel
Zulu shaman who once saved Sir Budai
A man of small stature who claims to be of Scottish decent
the owner and proprietor of the Red Heaven
Medium who knows about the supernatural, and is a student of the macabre and the dead
Recent arrival from Aquitaine
Philosopher who likes to repeat interesting facts to Miss Gladstone
A demon that feeds on ambition, once travelled with Prince Edmund
Caitiff kindred who appears to be cursed
A demon that kills women's husbands
Genie and possibly one of the Biblical Magi
Head Housemaid for the Rest household, answers to Mrs. Baker
One of the infamous "Churchill Sisters"
Young kindred living in Halpine House
Eldest Childe of Dr. Pembershire, potential old spinster
Fashionista of Clan Polentia
Kindred originally from the wilderness, curious to explore the world, meet people and learn new things.
Teaches etiquette at Rest and maintains protocol
The second daughter of Mr. Baldry and Mrs. Baldry
Young woman originally supported by Mr. Delaney in San Francisco
Keen and cynical former lady of the night now running a womans shelter
Childe of Lord Northall, still single
Unmarried older daughter of a coal mine owner, wears tiny hats to stand out
Courtesan maintained by Lady Gallorett, older sister of Ling Zhang and Li Zhang.
Lady's Maid for the Rest household, answers to Mrs. Baker
Kindred living in Halpine House, previously an enforcer for Prince Layton
The first daughter of Mr. Baldry and Mrs. Baldry
Knows a lot about mystical symbols, kindred family of Lady Halliwell
Youngest Childe of Mrs. Pembershire, twin sister of Miss Virginia
Member of the Malificae Nocterna who likes spending time outdoors and knows about herbs and plants
Young unmarried woman nevertheless obsessed with weddings.
Teacher with her own school
Clairvoyant ghoul who knows about divination, head librarian at Halpine House
Unmarried daughter of a very succesful stock trader, has very long hair
Young woman of spanish ancestry originally supported by Mr. Delaney
Fledgeling childe of Dr. Pembershire, twin sister of Miss Margaret
Daughter of William H. Wickham, mayor of New York City
An information broker that trades in information on supernaturals in London
Famous painter who committed suicide by self-disembowelment
Ambitious agent who likes to set up rivals against one another for profit
Groundskeeper for the Rest household, answers to Mr. Wade
Underbutler for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
The second son of Mr. Baldry and Mrs. Baldry
The first son of Mr. Baldry and Mrs. Baldry
Owner of a power station in Essex
Driver for the Rest household, answers to Mr. Wade
Addictive salesman
Bachelor who tries to impress women with his uniform
Minor member of the Power Plant Club, works for Sir Hogan at the Bank of England
Assistant engineer of the Baddow Fields Power Station, reports monthly to Lady Gallorett
Subvertive socialist from clan Trilion
Expert crafter of prosthetics
Socialist who dislikes religion of Clan Trilion
Day-to-day manager of Aiton Orphinage
Second coachman for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. O'Connel
Butler of Miss Gladstone, with composure .
Excellent dressmaker interested in vampire society.
Mechanics enthousiast. Grandfather of Miss Gladstone.
Railway magnate. Father of Miss Gladstone.
Was a miller and a farmer.
Was a corn merchant. Great grandfather of Miss Gladstone.
Was a Scottish merchant and philanthropist.
Accomplished poet with knowledge of ancient poetry
Highly skilled socialite
lawyer who is knowledgeable about tax laws in the United States
Fledgeling member of Rest
Agent for Lady Gallorett on temporary assignment in Cairo
Inventor of a very bright fabric
First coachman for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. O'Connel
Not very famous painter
Valet for the Rest household, answers to Mr. Wade
Groundskeeper for Lady Gallorett at Bridewater Manor, nominally answers to Mr. Newcombe
Head transporter for Lady Gallorett's household
Hothouse engineer for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Riddington
Guest who never left Rest
A world weary private detective
Has taken over the family business Reskin & Co. from his father
Man from Clan Furantur who asked Sir di Grimani to kill an artist
Head gardener for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
Businessman and Egyptologist, knowledgeable about mummies and ancient egypt
Host of Sherridan House
Dismissed spy and spy handler from the british army, somewhat unkempt and fond of the bottle. Works for Lady Gallorett.
Close personal friend of Lord Hertford
Housekeeper for Sir Ashdown, answers to Lady Ashdown
Women's Seamstress, arch-nemesis of Mrs. Miggins
Head Cook for the Rest household, answers to Mrs. Baker
Established kindred looking to help her childe, Sir Crosswick settle
Underhousekeeper for Lady Gallorett's household, normally at Cherrypond Mansion, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Wife of a very succesful engineer who works on steam engine design, likes trains
Wife of Mr. Lake, living in London while Mr. Lake is on assignment
Housekeeper for Lady Gallorett's household
Senior Lady's Maid to Lady Ashdown, answers to Mrs. Baker
Underhousekeeper for Lady Gallorett's household, normally at Bridewater Manor, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Deceased Women's Seamstress, arch-nemesis of Mrs. Canterbury
Cook for the Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Harpy who micromanages her childers lovelives
Married woman still in touch with the ball scene.
(In OOC limbo due to new economic rules)
Wife of Mr. Swaisbrick, loves parks and gardens, wishes to live in a country mansion
(In OOC limbo due to new economic rules)
A mother of two from San Francisco
Skilled, but somewhat avaricious, french tailor.
Native American trickster rabbit spirit that seems to ignore the concept of size
Chaotic architect who designed the Baddow Fields Power Station
Senior Deckhand aboard the SS Stanton
Stable boy for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Luke
Housemaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Eliza
One of the infamous "Churchill Sisters"
The current prince of London
Charismatic Prince of Utah
Attractive socialite obsessed with dresses and fashion.
Presumed Kuei-Jin from London
Possible fairy queen
Stable boy for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Luke
Parlour maid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Gabrielle
Miss Brooke's managing administrative assistant and letter reader / writer
(In OOC limbo due to new economic rules)
First Footman for the Rest household, answers to Mr. Wade
A demon that wants to create many monstrous children
Wealthy investor and expert about the Scottish monarchy
Master of Rest with much patience
Ambassador for Clan Angliae with Prince Edmund
Mad scientist recently embraced
Younger brother of Lord Northall
Recently married husband of Lady Bingley, loves horses
Serbian Noble who visited London but left for Africa. Practices the occult
Member of the Power Plant Club who handles the formalities of members joining or leaving the club. Loves food.
Kine suitor who all but proposed to Lady Gallorett upon hearing she had a powerplant in Essex
Fashion designer who used to own his own store
Ambitious young man looking for a wife
Vampire who aids neonates in Clan Pollentia
Highly fashionable gentleman
Young gentleman who joined Kindred society in 1874.
Ambitious young man with a like for pretty women
French, former captain and friend of Lord Exter
Recent arrival from Aquitaine
Avid japanese enthusiast, sire of Miss Gladstone.
"Passion is life"
Former wealthy merchant and slave owner.
Policitian and second baronet of Gladstone.
Problem solver handler of the Authority.
A member of the Court of Directors for the Bank of England, close friend of the Power Plant Club
Gentleman of firm convictions
Railway engineer recently embraced
Con-artist and thief
Member of the Power Plant Club, married to Lady Smollen
Businessman selling opportunities in the Caribean
Mad scientist with an interest in electricity and a noticable hunchback
Maintainer of order, possibly of german descent
An American Kindred in London
Deputy Investigator with some unusual investigative techniques
Gentleman keeping a low profile
Member of Clan Angliae who helps to bring kine In-the-Know
Kindred who gave a book on genies to Lady Gallorett
Gentleman's outfitter
The creature backing the Keeper of Kew Gardens
Footman for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
Recently turned librarian of the Advocates Library
Sent to the palace of the Prince as a candidate for his hand
Leader and first of the Greens
Head chambermaid for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mrs. Lawson
Gardener for Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Riddington
Expert Axeman for the Chee Kong, known as "Fly-Splitter"
Legendary animal hunted and killed in Kjung Forest
First footman of Lady Gallorett's household, answers to Mr. Newcombe
Two time prime minister of the United Kingdom.
Well connected first lord of the admiralty
Genie with water-related powers