Plural People
allowed in Setting
A person describes a sentient individual, such as a human, android, alien, demon, or intelligent sword.
Where this person lives, usually a location.
(List of references)
The factions and organisations this person is affiliated with.
Used for page data
These pages describe a Person:
- Alexander Wells
- Alley-Cat
- Analetta Tzigana
- Anthony Tillman
- Athan Cook
- Athiee
- Brad
- Brianna and Willie
- Cole
- Danny
- David
- Doom-Strike
- Emily Rose
- Faith Veldeski
- Farrah McKinley
- Gears-of-Industry
- Hudson
- Iron-Eyes
- Jessica Thomas
- Jonathan Van Dorn
- Jonesy
- Kaitlyn Conner
- Koert Arnolfi
- Lee Brady
- Mack Aimers
- Madeline Brice
- Nidial
- Peter Ingram
- Shackles
- Shanae Demonte
- Spider
- Tobias Van Dorn
- War-Heart
- Zoey Lewis
Used in listings of People
This schema is not used in any automatic lists of People on any pages.