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Anthony Tillman

Nosy Neighbor

Residence: Middle Paradi
Affiliation: Alley Hunters

Elderly nosy neighbor

Aspiration: Keep his block safe from criminals, corruption, and minorities

Dice Pools

  • Window Watching (5 dice) “You’ll never believe who’s having an affair!”
  • Blustery Threats (4 dice) “You kids get off my damn stoop! I’m callin’ the cops!”
  • Pistols (3 dice) “Proud combat veteran here!”
  • All other actions (2 dice)

Willpower: 2

Conditions: Resonant (Alley-Cat; Persistent)


Every block has an Anthony Tillman. He’s on his way out the door, but before he goes, it seems like his personal mission is to be as irritating as possible. The pack uses this to their advantage as a way to keep eyes on their territory.

There’s little which Anthony doesn’t pick up on over time and he has a keen sense of who is moving through at all hours of the night. Most of his neighbors hate him. He doesn’t care. They’re all fornicating heathens anyway and Jesus is going to burn them up on Judgement Day; you just see if He won’t! Despite that, Anthony is good for keeping some of the riff-raff in line and he killed a burglar once with his much vaunted combat experience from his youth.

He’s a decent guy to talk guns with and knows a lot about them, if that’s your thing, and if you’re white. Anthony is deeply distrustful of obvious minorities of any race and/or non-Christian religions. He’ll happily tell you how great Paradi was before all the racial thugs moved into it if you buy him a cup of coffee.