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A Ghoul Enforcer

Residence: Middle Paradi
Affiliation: Cole, Vampires, Invictus, Daeva

One of the men who came after Farrah McKinley the first night when she was delivering the necklace, and the brother of the man whom Shackles killed, Jonesy is one of Cole’s hired muscles. He’s not much of an intellectual but he did care about his brother very much. His murder was devastating and Jonesy blames Farrah for all of it.

After Iron-Eyes prevented Farrah from being run over by a bus, Jonesy and his gang located the duo. Though the werewolf was badly injured, Farrah leapt to the attack, blinding one of the thugs and using the nail-embedded bat he’d dropped to deal Jonesy a blood-spitting blow. The man fled, though it’s likely his desire for revenge only burns hotter now.

Spider had been keeping an eye on him though and now knows where he makes his home with the rest of his miscreant friends.

Jonesy hates Farrah. Really, really hates her. The idea of killing her slowly and painfully consumes his mind.