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Mack Aimers

Fighting Coach

Residence: Middle Paradi
Affiliation: Hudson

“You got ‘em on the ropes! Keep it up! Press the attack! Move your feet! Thatta boy!”

Mack Aimers, or just Aimers as he’s known to his friends and customers, is the owner and head coach at the gym bearing his own name. A former fighter, his glory years are long behind him and he passes his days now in training up the next generation. While his health is frailer than it once was, he’s still in possession of a robust constitution which helps him weather Paradi’s harsh climates changes.

Hudson and Mack have a close friendship which borders on the familial. Mack looks at Hudson as the son he never had and Hudson, for his part, views Mack in a paternal light as well. The old man worries about the kinds of people Hudson hangs out with, the kinds of things he imagines the younger person gets up to, and has debated more than once following him to get to the bottom of the ‘odd behavior’.

Not officially a member of the pack, Hudson nonetheless places Mack’s well being in high priority. He’s an important part of Hudson’s psyche and helps tie the Rahu to the world of flesh.