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Analetta Tzigana

Chavali Tzigana's Mother

Analetta Tzigana is Vali’s mother and a semi-pariah of the Night’s End Kumpania. She took a non-Traveler to her bed, in stark violation of her people’s societal expectations, and was nearly exiled for it. Despite that, Analetta kept the baby, and raised her all the same. It took a very long time before her people forgot, rather than forgave, her ‘indiscretion’. Hypocritical or not, it was simply part of the world which the Travelers lived in, and their forgetting was more by choice than happenstance.

She was an affectionate mother but the presence of a ‘half-blood’ child weighed heavily on her. Analetta is a beautiful woman, looking at her it’s easy to see where Vali’s own good looks come from. More than simple physicality, it’s in Analetta’s poise. She’s weathered social ostracism, life in Paradi, and everything in between. She’s cool, calm, and confident in herself.

She married a much older member of the kumpania to restore an air of legitimacy to herself and her daughter. It went a long ways towards helping Vali avoid discrimination but not enough to erase it entirely. The young woman still had to work hard to prove herself and overcome her tainted status. Even so, there was little chance of marrying well when the time came to arrange such on her behalf. Every betrothal Analetta tried to foster ended before it could begin.

Analetta loves her daughter and genuinely wants the best for her, struggling sometimes to understand the girl’s willfulness but not wanting to exasperate her. Culturally, Vali is an ‘old maid’ at this point having been unmarried, and she continues to try now and again to find a match for her. Despite Vali’s blood, Analetta isn’t willing to settle for the lowest available partner on the rung, and ironically hinders her own goals for that. She worries about her daughter and can be prone to hovering during Vali’s visits. She does not support the idea of her daughter staying outside the kumpania at all.