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Locations (in Setting)


Island of the Wavecrest Archipelago
Desert village on the route from Madina to Taraf
City in Sayati on the Deep Desert Road
Village in the north of the Igani
Mining village on the route from Azuru to Riyadh
Capital city of Kirikhan
Southern deep desert road city
Hamlet containing Becna's old smithy
Large pirate city in the west
Western city in Sayati, very fertile agrarian land
Most northern island group in the West
Creation is the world of men, a haven of stability in the endless churn of the The Wyld
City in Wavecrest
The river that forms the entrance to the Trikolis, the thesosian underworld
A city in the Wavecrest
River of punishment in Trikolis
Lone city on a plateau south of the mountain range
City in the Wavecrest
City in the Wavecrest Archipelago
City of Wavecrest
Village in the south east of Igani
Island of the Wavecrest Archipelago
The larger of two southern regions of Suran, a former sultanate
Second biggest city in Igani
Northern deep desert road city in Igani
City in sayati on the Deep Desert Road
A city in Teimos
River of forgetting in Trikolis
Village in the east of Igani
The highest mountain in Thesos, home of the Charditian Pantheon.
A lost continent in the West
The residence of the gods of Trikolis, named after the current leader of the Trikolis
Island of Wavecrest
A chain of brothels in the west
Major city in the north-west of Igani
A small mining village to the north of Karanur
City in Wavecrest
Lost continent in the west
A prospering empire just north of the southern desert
Capital of the Wavecrest Archipelago
Capital city of Suran, former capital of Sayati
A somewhat secluded region in the deep south with unique qualities
Major city in south eastern region of Igani
A large group of shadowland islands in the West
River of peace in Trikolis
City in the Wavecrest
Suran is a caliphate neighbouring the Delzahn, formed from Igani and Sayati
Village in the west of Igani
Largest city in Igani, former capital of the sultanate
A nation on Thesos
A group of islands in the West
The South of creation is a land of jungles and deserts, of mountain ranges and seas of sand.
The lands of the Death, it's geography a faint mirror of that of Creation
The chaos at the edges of Creation
A grove of dryads, nymphs, and satyrs in Thesos, nestled in the western foothills of the charditian mountain range
The pantheon of thesosian gods related to the underworld, and also the underworld itself.
City in the Wavecrest Archipelago
Yu-Shan, or Heaven, is where the celestial gods reside, as well as the celestial bureaucracy