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Black Siaka Cove

Large pirate city in the west

Location Information

Contained in: The West
Owner: Tamata

Faction Information

Leader: Tamata

Black Siaka Cove is a large pirate city in the western ocean, home to the largest pirate alliance in the west.

The three pirate crews that make up this alliance are the Tamata pirates, the Moonshadow pirates and the Obsidian Hands pirates. The Tamata pirates rule the city and aims mostly for fame and influence. The Moonshadow pirates have a focus on taking down The Guild and tend to keep a low profile in the city. The Obsidian Hands pirates are mostly in it for adventure and riches. The three distinct focuses of the pirate crews makes that their alliance generally works well.

There is only one real law in the city, and that is to not make trouble. Even this law can be stretched quite far though, since the Tamata pirates only really care about trouble when it threatens the peace. Individual conflicts and conflicts between smaller pirate crews are generally not acted on by the enforcers.