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This is the set of current game rules. If you have any questions about the rules, feel free to open a topic in the Game Questions & Character Building forum.

If you wish to propose changes, please discuss them by opening a topic for them in the Rules Discussion & Game Design forum, if useful you can put your proposals in the Notes to refer to.

Meta Rules

We have some rules about how we play and the rule itself:

  • Due to the nature of the source material the going language will be English (UK)
  • The SI system of units is used to indicate relevant measurements
  • The Short Scale is used for number names
  • The rules are all explicit. This means that rules do not imply additional things, they should be read and understood "as is".
  • The system was designed from scratch and we took efforts to calculate everything carefully. However, it is possible that mistakes have entered the system. If this is the case, we may apply changes to the game rules to fix those mistakes. When this happens you always have a right to change your world and characters to compensate for the new changes.
  • Player creativity is actively encouraged. The rules are a framework upon which you can hang your idea's, not a limit by which you are restricted.
  • There is an expiration term on rewards and change notifications of 3 months. After this period the issue or reward period is considered closed.
  • The game will contain some player vs player in the form of competing for resources and trade opportunities, but the general aim is to create a cooperative environment—in fact, the entire game system is designed to make cooperation the most effective strategy!

Jedi Rules

Jedi characters are set apart from other characters by the fact that they have a strong connection with the Force. This allows them to perform feats that are beyond the ability of those not trained in the ways of the Force.

In FWURG, Jedi characters are defined by their Virtues and Force Philosophy. They can get Skills, Force Powers, and Combat Styles via training.

Go to Jedi Character Creation to read about creating your own Jedi character.

All Jedi Rules