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Jedi Council Member

Council Member
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A Council Member is a Jedi Master who has been invited, and has accepted, to sit on the Jedi Council. Council Members do not go on missions nor do they take on apprentices, as they are to busy with their other duties.

Benefits The Jedi Masters on the Jedi Council make decisions with regards to the Jedi Order. They determine what Equipment will be retained in the stores, who is ready for their Knight's Trial, and which knights might be ready to take on the duties of a Jedi Master.

The Council Members are also the people that speak to Union politicians, and they are the Jedi Masters most often asked for moral advice by external parties.

Duties Council Members have no time to go on missions, as they must spend the time they have on their work to keep the Jedi Order running smoothly. They are also called upon to determine which padawan and knights are ready for promotion, and to determine reprimands for misbehaviour.