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Using Tags in the Wiki

Tags are a way to mark and organize pages in the wiki. They are a signal to other players about the content of the page, and can be used to create lists of pages. When using the index for a schema, you can filter by tag to find specific types of people or locations for example.

You can add tags to a page when you create or edit one. They are listed at the top of the edit menu, to the right of the aliases.

Tips & Tricks

Tags have many different uses. Here are a few we found useful:

  • Locations that represent countries can be tagged as such to separate them from locations like shops or streets which are much smaller in scale.
  • Characters that belong to a certain milieu - such as nobles or characters living in a specific town - can be tagged as such for easy grouping.
  • You can tag pages as 'Unfinished' to indicate they require additional work.