Using the Index
Each of the wiki's has an index of pages, as well as separate indices for each schema used: by default, these are the Faction, Locations and people indices.
The main index can be opened by going to the wiki you want and clicking the index button in the top right corner. The indices for Factions, Locations, People, etc. are linked on the top of the index page on the left.
The indexes by schema list only pages of the correct type, such as all people or all locations on the wiki. At the top, a search bar allows for quick searching, and the content can be grouped by the data - for example, it can group people by their faction for an easy overview.
Under the Filters button to the right of the index search, a list of filters can be set. For example, you can select to show only locations that have the 'Planet' tag or only people who live at Hogwards.
Tip: if you have a large campaign, you can use the index page to quickly find NPCs during play, even if you don't remember the exact name - simply filter on the details you do remember!