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Plural Spells
allowed in Rules and Notes

A spell is a one-time magical effect.


School (Reference, School of Magic)
The school of magic this spell belongs to, subschools are noted in parentheses.
Descriptors (List of references, with tag Spell Descriptor)
A comma-separated list of descriptors, selected from: acid, air, col, darkness, death, earth, electricity, fear, fire, force, language-dependent, light, mind-affecting, sonic, and water.
Level (List of references, Classes)
A list of classes that can cast the spell, written out as class|class level, for example mage|mage 3.
Base Spell (Text)
The name of the original spell this spell was based on, for when prerequisites refer to it.

Used for page data

These pages describe a Spell:

Used in listings of Spells

This schema is not used in any automatic lists of Spells on any pages.