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Returning to FWURG & Wiki gardening

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After a somewhat long hiatus from FWURG, I have returned. I could explain why I was gone for a while, or what my plans are now that I am back. But in all honesty there is little extra to say on the matter.

To start off, I am currently in the process of doing some wiki gardening. Since the wiki was set up we have had some major improvements to RPGpad itself. I'd like to take advantage of those improvements by creating some schemas such as the Species schema I just created.

In this thread I will make a few posts to list things I have updated. I might miss a few pages, so the lists and notes I post here may help you check if I missed something that you added to the wiki.

After some consideration I have determined that the I want to get to gardening the following things as well. To note:

  • Equipment Types and the actual equipment items in setting are clearly in need of work. The equipment items should at the least refer to their current mission, so we can see if an item is in use or not.

The following are not something I am currently focussing on:

  • Species Traits because their pages contain only a sentence or two, and no further structure. This does not mean a schema is useless since it improves the index, just less beneficial then other work.
  • Skills because each skill is as minimal as they get on the page. That being said, they do have a clearly defined structure, and being able to group things by prerequisite might be nice. (as well as show on a skill page what things are prerequisited on the skill you're viewing).
  • Force Powers and Combat Styles because they contain multiple "things" on one page. There is merit in a schema for the whole thing, even if only to make the Rules namespace index more browsable. Force Powers have a clearly defined structure, and might benefit from a schema for each separate power (though that would mean splitting them up, which is somewhat tedious and reduces legibility on the wiki...)

Though I might do the skills one if time permits.

Edit by (): Fixed post to make sense ~_~

I added the Equipment schema!

This is the ultimate moment to do so, since all Roleplay missions are either just ended, or just starting, making sure that no equipment is currently in use.

The following pieces of equipment have been updated:

From now on, people will have to mark the equipment as being used by filling in the "Current Mission" field on the equipment page. I'll remark on this to all active Storytellers.

I think this concludes my Rules wiki gardening. Let me know if I forgot something that's not trivially fixed while you are seeing it!