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The Wraith

The Wraith of Kew
Old version of The Wraith

The creature backing the Keeper of Kew Gardens

Nest: Kew Gardens

The Wraith of Kew is a creature residing in Kew Gardens. The creature is not hostile towards anyone, and cares little for politics or the conflicts between clans. However, if the Courtesies of Kew Gardens are broken, the creature shows no hesitation in forcibly ejecting the culprit, or in cases of severe transgression engaging in violence to subdue the guilty party before violently expelling them.

The Wraith does not speak. It instead communicates non-verbally with the Keeper of Kew Gardens, Lady Gallorett, to inform her of violations of the courtesies and actions taken against transgressors. Such communication, when it does happen, has a feminine feel to it.

The Wraith has first been sighted in 1878, after its creation by Lady Gallorett. The creature seems to stay within the boundaries of Kew Gardens, and seems to respect the boundaries of the residences inside Kew Gardens to some extent.