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Lord Falkland

William Calhoun
PC Viscount Peer / Person
Old version of Lord Falkland

Scottish guest and new arrival in London, hoping to acquire position and status

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Spouse: Lady Falkland
Rank: Ancilla
Style: Lord
Formal title: His Right Honourable Lordship, the Viscount of Falkland
Sire: Lord MacDuff
Clan: Clan Angliae
Affiliations: Coterie Club
Gender: Male
Type: Kindred
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Table of Contents

Born the 3rd Viscount of Falkland, William was raised in Fife, Scotland at his family home, Falkland castle. Falkland castle is a former royal palace of the Scottish Kings, the current building was built by James IV and James V between 1450 and 1541 and the castle was a country residence of the Stuart monarchs of Scotland for over 200 years. After the union of the Crowns, the castle has been granted to Earls of Fife, whom in turn used the castle (and associated title) to elevate their more influential banner-man into peerage.

During Life

Born the eldest son of peer, William had no lack of what was considered a proper education for gentlemen of noble birth. He's well versed in courtly etiquette, riding and swordsmanship as well as having received tutoring in English, Gaelic and French.

Traditionally the Viscounts of Falkland have been charged with maintaining order and adjudicating in legal proceedings on behalf of the Earls of Fife. As such William also received a formal education in investigation techniques and legislation, as well as developing an aptitude for delivering arguments.

Life as Kindred

William appears to be about 40 years old and has been apart of kindred society in Scotland for a while, though hasn't been formally introduced to the Prince. With his red eyes, he has attracted some rather unwanted attention, especially in early years as Kindred; and he isn't to keen on being around crosses since they remind him of an unfortunate run in with a priest.

The last few years however William had realized that as his own influence and skill grew his Sire, whom he greatly respected, was pleased with his progress. William felt that this was a good time to ask his Sire if he could be granted leave to try his luck in London.


Major Contacts

Lord Falkland maintains a network of associates and friends who can offer access to useful resources, manpower or information. These contacts are build up over time and require careful management.

Business and Agents

Lord Falkand and his business partner Mr. Roberts run a trading company WJAC Shipping Ltd dealing in various rare and luxurious goods.

While Mr. Johnson, as Lord Falklands agent, manages most of the affairs in England and regarding the Estates, Mr. Li Hua Qing manages the Company's affairs in the Orient.


Next to the houses in London and Essex, Lord Falkland owns:

  • Jewelry set matching with Lady Falkland's (worth several K pound each) - [wedding gift by Lord Oakley]
  • Coach - [wedding gift by Lady Galloret]
  • Shotgun & matching set of pistols and ammo - [wedding gift by Miss Gladstone]
  • HMS Britannia (painting by Sir di Grimani) - [purchased]