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Jedi Missions

Knight's Trial
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Old version of Jedi Missions

Jedi missions are forum- or chat-based stories where a pair (or small group) of Jedi is sent out to achieve some goals.

There are three mission kinds, categorized this way to make it easier for both players and storytellers to determine the difficulty and the involvement of the mission.

  • Padawan This kind of mission is well-suited for a pair of Padawan, or a master-apprentice pair consisting of a Knight and a Padawan. Such a mission may consist of all kinds of challenges. It will most likely involve at the least some kind of minor moral choice.
  • Knight This kind of mission is well-suited for a pair of knights, a Knight and Master, or a pair of masters, an advanced padawan might be included in a master-apprentice pair under a Jedi Master. Such a mission will most likely involve diplomacy, a moral dilemma, and major obstacles that cannot be resolved with combat.
  • Trial a trial is a solo mission that is well-suited to a specific Jedi, to test their resolve and dedication to the Jedi code and their philosophy.

The example pairings are given for only two characters, as this is the ideal amount of players in a mission. But exceptions can be made by the storyteller. Furthermore, note that Jedi Knights are the only rank that is expected to go on both kinds of missions (padawan coming along with a Jedi Master are less likely, as this only works out well if the padawan is nearing their Knight's trial).