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Factions (in Setting)

A faction is a group of people who work together for a common goal, such as a gang, merchant guild, noble house, corporation, or nation. Factions may work together to form greater factions, and some factions such as countries may also be Locations.

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New York sept, considered a lost cause by the larger Garou Nation
A charitable organisation offering shelter and protection to battered women and children
Masters of mind, body, and spirit through the Arts of personal discipline
The childer of Haqim, known as Assamites to the rest of the Kindred, are a silent knife in the dark, an order of bloodthirsty assassins who participate in the secret wars of the undead by operating as killers for hire.
One of the Garou tribes, accepting only women as members
As the best-informed tribe, the Bone Gnawers are consummate spies. Members live in poverty, and have a casual regard for Garou traditions.
Rebels and provocateurs, bat-swinging hooligans and agents of change in a society long crippled by stasis
The most moderate tribe, the Chil-dren of Gaia nurture what little the Wyrm has not corrupted and often speak out on humanity’s side.
Originally of Celtic descent, the Fianna hold on to a lust for both celebration and battle, wherever they are in the world.
Addiction, debasement, corruption, and desperation strike fear into many Kindred who worry that theirs will become an unlife of ruin, but to the Followers of Set, these and more are the tools of the trade
A glint of red eyes in the darkness, the scent of a predator’s musk, a flash of fangs, the sound of flesh tearing: These mark the presence of the Gangrel.
Dedicated to the Wyrm’s destruction, the Get are savage and bloodthirsty warriors who take great pride in their Germanic and Scandinavian heritage.
Vampires of the Giovanni family
The ultimate urban predators, the Glass Walkers take the war against the Wyrm into the boardroom and the skyscraper — though other Garou do not trust them.
To the mind of a Lasombra, it is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.
Clan Malkavian is twice damned: once by the curse of being Kindred, and again by the turmoil that disturbs their hearts and minds.
Timid and soft-spoken, the public face of A Safe Harbor
Those who doubt that the Embrace is a curse need look no further than the Nosferatu
One of the influential packs affiliated with A Fightin' Chance
The Ravnos move like the rumors that surround them. They are the thief in the night, the raksha chased by the wind, the nightmare-dream too fearful to be real.
Living in the deep wilderness, this tribe only allows lupus and some metis to join. They believe that the only way to beat the Wyrm is to exterminate humanity.
Cunning, deceptive, and domineering, the Shadow Lords have a burning drive to lead the whole Garou Nation.
Exiled from their homeland, the Silent Striders travel constantly. Many learn the secrets of the physical or spiritual world on their journeys.
The hereditary rulers of the Garou Na-tion, their careful maintenance of royal blood has led to inbreeding and the taint of madness.
Femme Fatale with retro themed allure.
Ascetics who seek to master their own Rage, the Stargazers wander the world striking at the Wyrm wherever they find it
Fostern Ahroun of the Shadow Lords and Garou Nation, deeded Lightning Blades
From the Toreador perspective, when the sun fades, darkness gives rise to an eternal and wondrous world.
The Warlocks
A blood moon casts a crimson light over the land beyond the forest and something fearsome howls its ag-ony into the night. The Tzimisce call these lands their ancestral home.
Mysterious and mystical, the Uktena are a tribe of outsiders charged with guarding the resting places of many powerful Banes, though this taints them by association
Throughout history, while the other Clans have skulked about their petty intrigues, the Ventrue have curried favor with Caesar, whispered into the ear of Charlemagne, bankrolled the Age of Exploration, and even swayed policy in the Holy See
The only tribe made up of primarily Native American werewolves, the Wendigo are cold and in-sular, guarding their caerns against even other Garou