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Redeemed Succubis

Tearoom and bookstore, owned by Zarina Hawking

Contained in: East Quarter

The Redeemed Succubis is a tearoom and book store owned by Zarina Hawking, cousin of the more well known Phillip Kadrai who originally set it up

At least one wall is covered from top to bottom is used books, some donated from various places, others acquired from people wishing to sell. These are available for sale, or to read on the premises, along with a piping hot cup of tea or any other beverage of your choice (no alcohol is sold as the place is also minor-friendly.

The tearoom was originally set up by Professor Hawking, which rumour says was because he actually felt sorry for the succubi that were killed by Vo'civer and wanted their legacy to live on, though others say that he wanted to use it in order to promote the Arcane Arts and Education in general.

The goal for the Redeemed Succubis is to turn it into an informal place for wizards (and others interested) to come and share spells and knowledge. The original founder also occasionally gives informal classes and host intellectual discussions there.