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Eos Akitha

The leader of the Eos and Ossissa pirates

Residence: Black Siaka Cove
Gender: Female
Subtype: Air Aspect
Affiliation: Obsidian Hands pirates

Eos Akitha is a young outcaste Dragon-Blooded who leads the Obsidian Hands pirates. In the past she did this together with Sesus Ossissa, but he has disappeared in recent years making her the sole leader.

While not as experienced as Ossissa, Eos certainly does well as a leader regardless. The pirates are still among the most feared and richest in the western oceans.

Eos has traded information on Heartwind Isle with the party, in exchange for some jade weapons she can use for the Dragon-Blooded in her crew.

She is most likely in some for of affiliation with the Western Hive, which could make the information suspect.