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Universal Force

Old version of Universal Force

Jedi Philosophy about the Force that believes the force has a light side and a dark side

The universal force is one of the prominent Jedi philosophies about on the Force. It focuses on light and the dark side of the force, and sees the light side as the natural state, and the dark side as a corruption.

The Dark Side of the Force is believed to be a corrupted state of the force, and encompasses anger, rage, hatred, fear, aggression and passion. Such emotions seem to increase the strength and abilities of a user of the dark side, providing a path towards personal power and the destruction or control of all opposition. In the philosophy of the universal force, it is generally accepted that use of the dark side of the Force is extremely addictive. The dark side is opposed by the Light Side.

The Light Side of the Force is believed to be the natural state of the force, and encompasses honesty, compassion, mercy, self-sacrifice and other positive emotions. Followers of the light side strife to live in harmony with the world around them, acting out of wisdom and logic rather than anger and hasty judgment. The light side is opposed by the Dark Side.

In order to achieve harmony with the light side of the Force, its practitioners often meditate to clear themselves of emotion; particularly negative emotions such as aggression, fear, anger, and hatred, since these are thought to bring on acceptance of the dark side.

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