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Clan Tremere

Tremere are knowledgeable warlocks and witches who dabble in the arcane

Allegiance: Camarilla

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Associated Bloodline: Tremere
Table of Contents

Clan Tremere is one of the younger clans. What little the clan has given away with respect to their history dates them no older than the dark ages. Despite their short history, the clan has rapidly risen to gain the respect, fear and suspicion of the other Camarilla clans.

Ranks & Positions

Within the clan, there are several ranks and positions that determine the official influence, and oftentimes the social status, of its members.


The following ranks define the hierarchy of the Tremere:

Acolyte — the lowest official rank, this rank applies to both potential members hoping to attain the Apprentice rank, as well as groups that are bound to the service of a high office. It is unwise to confuse the two, as an acolyte bound to the Council of Seven wields considerable influence indeed.

Apprentice — apprentices spend much of their time training, serving their chantry, or playing at politics as best as they can. Some never advance beyond this rank. This rank is subdivided into seven circles of mystery, with higher circles ranking above lower.

Regent — a regent runs an individual Chantry, and is charged with the supervision of it. From the rank of regent, there are two routes of promotion.

High Regent — the first route, high regents oversee a group geographically related chantries, with the subordinate chantries each having their own regent.

Magister — the second route, magisters have not sought political power within the clan, but instead opted to become advisers who manage inter-chantry disputes, and dedicate time to mastering one or more branches of the occult.

Consul — a consul rules over a special geographic or disciplinary area, often called a Realm. Within their realm, they supervise all chantries, ensuring that inter-clan businesses within run smoothly.

Pontifex — a pontifex oversees a large geographical region, such as parts of a nation, or groupings of smaller countries. In some cases they are instead appointed to an office that confers the rank of pontifex to deal with some conceptual matter, such as demon sightings.

Councilor — seven councilors steer the clan, each responsible for directing the clan's efforts in a particular portion of the world.


Groundskeeper — a ghoul (or kine) that takes care of the day-to-day household management of a Chantry. The groundskeeper outranks apprentices on matters of the Chantry.

Astor — a member of the interal police force of Clan Tremere. An astor theoretically wields the authority of a pontifex. Astors intervene when a single individual endangers the interests of the clan as a whole, few Tremere draw enough concern to require this.

Notable members