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Malene Gardner

One of the apprentices living in Un Chantry

Haven: Un Chantry
Type: Kindred
Clan: Clan Tremere
Affiliation: Un Chantry

Malene studies connections. Add the right one in the right place and an entire network might become a tangled mess. Break the wrong one in the wrong place and an entire web might fall apart. Of course she doesn't just use her skills destructively, but you get the idea.

Sadly Malene doesn't usually find many apprentices willing to help her with the destroying of the links, so she often ends up having to go out and do the dirty work herself. While this is not usually a problem, it sometimes causes problems with recognition and having to work through a few degrees of separation usually makes the job more complicated and the fallout messier.

Having been invited to a brand new city is a great opportunity to start fresh. Not meddle directly personally, but from a small distance. Just enough to not get linked, but close enough to not have to deal with accidental real bad complications. This idea seems to be a good thing too, since the sabbat are hoarding all the real juicy targets.

Current Persuit: Getting to know the cities (started: 1993-11-29)

Malene's is the kind of work that requires some knowledge about who matters and who doesn't that can only be acquired locally. As such she set herself to learn just that about the people of New York and New Jersey.

Past Persuits

Reaching New York (ended: 1993-11-28): Nothing exciting happened during Malene's travel and introduction.