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Arnold Ferenczy

One of the apprentices living in Un Chantry

Haven: Un Chantry
Type: Kindred
Clan: Clan Tremere
Affiliation: Un Chantry

Arnold is mostly interested in material properties. For example he really likes to know what is about cold iron that turns it into cold iron and how this cold ironness can be transferred to materials that are more sensible as weapons. He similarly studies silver and wooden stakes too.

His limited practical successes thus far mean he has travelled across Europe to find a chantry where he fits. Particularly because there is really only one way to actually test prototypes. Luckily he now has a ready supply of Sabbath living nearby.

Current Persuit: Nothing at the moment (started: 1993-11-29)

Arnold is probably recruiting back up for one of his experiments or learning that cold iron is also very useful in a city like New York or something similar.

Past Persuits

Reaching New York (ended: 1993-11): There was some concern that Arnold's history with the French Bruhah would affect his attitude to the Bruhah in New York, but this does not seem to be a problem so far.