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Ghost Wolves

Thihirtha Numea
werewolf tribe / Faction

Outsiders by Choice or Circumstance

Allegiance: Forsaken

Ghost Wolves aren’t a tribe. They’re the werewolves who have rejected the Firstborn and turned their backs on Luna and the spirit courts alike. Many are simply ignorant. The People can’t be everywhere, and sometimes a First Change goes unremarked. Others try to deny their natures and cling to their human lives. Still others simply find no resonance with the Tribes of the Moon or the Pure, and strike out to make their own destinies.

Ghost Wolves aren’t accorded much respect among the Forsaken. If you’ve got Mother Luna’s blessing, you don’t get the luxury of turning your back on your duty to Father Wolf. You want to go back to your husband and your kids? Too bad. Your old life’s gone. The few who do get a small measure of respect among the tribes are those who acknowledge their part in Father Wolf’s legacy but don’t feel they fit in with one of the extant tribes. These Ghost Wolves tend to join multi-tribe packs or gather like-minded Ghost Wolves around them into their own packs. Lacking the support structure of tribe membership, Ghost Wolf packs have a harder time making inter-pack alliances, but most consider that a fair trade for freedom. Ghost Wolves are rare in otherwise single-tribe packs — if a werewolf is comfortable enough with a tribe’s ethos to surround herself with members, chances are she’ll join that tribe herself in short order.

Since they aren’t a tribe, Ghost Wolves have no Firstborn patron. Most are perfectly fine with that; if they wanted a patron, they’d have joined a tribe, after all. Others form lodges to find a semblance of spiritual support, and tales of Ghost Wolf packs journeying into the deep Shadow in search of a forgotten Firstborn to serve as totem to a sixth tribe are common in Forsaken lore. To date, no such hunt has met with success, but that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible dream.

Each Ghost Wolf hunts something that matters to her personally. Their motives are more human than the tribes: a Ghost Wolf whose mother was killed by a vampire might devote herself to hunting the undead, while one who sees the social injustice inherent in society might focus on the wealthy and privileged who escape justice. Simple desires drive their hunts: Protect what you love, revenge yourself on those who harm you and yours. Many hunt entirely on instinct, choosing their prey in the blind madness of Kuruth. Others try to deny the urge altogether, resisting their instincts when they can and chaining themselves up when the wolf inside rages. The latter approach never works for long. After all, The Wolf Must Hunt.

There are many Ghost Wolves in Paradi. The tribes aren't everywhere and it's a very large city. Sometimes, more often than may seem likely, a werewolf falls through the cracks. Many of them are picked off by hungry spirits and the Predator Kings are rumored to find the flesh of their own kind savory. Few Ghost Wolves survive alone for any length of time and it's common for them to band together in small packs for safety.

Though Forsaken, their lack of dedication to duty (as the other Tribes see it), puts them in a highly suspicious light. The Fire-Touched seek to convert them, the Ivory Claws seek to experiment on them, and the other Forsaken Tribes might just wonder if they're a liability better put down now rather than allowed to become a problem later. The spirits are little better. Forsaken is Forsaken, in their eyes, and they aim to manipulate or destroy Ghost Wolves themselves.

For their own part, many Ghost Wolves have personalities bordering on the resentful. They didn't ask for this. They didn't want this. Yet few would go back to being half-blind like they were before the Change. That inner lack of resolution affects their Harmony and drives many towards the Flesh... and a rare few to embrace what they are, ignoring the dictates of Tribe, to finally 'get their piece of the pie'. Most end up on middle ground.

Few Ghost Wolves survive long enough to become elders of their kind. Most are newer changes and younger. Few packs accept a Ghost Wolf for long; they're expected to pick a side in the fight. Sitting on the fence isn't an acceptable choice to most. Consequently, most Ghost Wolf packs are small and comprised of fellow Ghost Wolves as opposed to a mix of other Forsaken Tribes.