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werewolf tribe / Faction
Allegiance: Pure

The Pure of the Fire-Touched — the Izidakh — are mad-eyed zealots filled with fervor and faith, the disciples of Rabid Wolf. They are creatures of the Shadow, serving as prophets and priests for that otherworldly realm, and they choose as their sacred prey those who they see as dishonoring and disrespecting it. The Fire-Touched see the Forsaken as deluded betrayers, but believe that some can be saved – if they would only listen to the feverish words of Fire-Touched preachers.

Those who would hunt the Fire-Touched must deal with their incredible armory of rites and esoteric Shadow lore — the high priests and templars of the tribe can warp the Shadow and break its laws with ease. They are extremely numerous, and adherents often wield spiritual magics of disease and madness that they will not hesitate to use against the Forsaken and their allies. Worst of all are the insistent promises and persuasive offers of salvation; the Fire-Touched want to talk, and they wield words as adeptly as any weapon.

Most Forsaken will encounter a Fire-Touched proselytizer at some point. Their arguments can make so much sense, the speaker be so genuine... the Fire-Touched believe in their mission and are quick to point to their Oath against telling any lies. Does this mean they're more honest than other tribes or they simply tell the truth from "a certain point of view"?

In Paradise City, the Izidakh are the most active and most commonly encountered of the Pure Tribes. They're most common in Middle Paradi but have a presence in Upper and Lower as well. Like most werewolves, High Paradi can be difficult for them to hunt in for long but those who can maintain their Harmony find a wide range of environs to Hunt in. Most frightening of all, the spirits like the Fire-Touched. They have myriad allies in the Shadow and no obligation to keep the worlds apart. When Izidakh packs decide the time for talking is over, their onslaught can be sudden, vicious, and fatal from both sides of the Gauntlet.