Differences on Predator Kings
Even amongst the Pure, the Predator Kings — the //Ninna//
Farakh// — are a byword for brute force and savagery. The worshippers of Dire Wolf care only for the Hunt, and see the efforts of humanity to tame and master the world as a direct affront to the once-and-future paradise of Pangaea. The Predator Kings choose those who fail to appropriately honor the hunt as their sacred prey; they judge modern humanity as guilty, and the Forsaken too.////
How does one hunt a monarch of predators? The Predator Kings practice unrivalled physical brutality but they are canny foes who can surprise would-be hunters on a number of levels. The Predator King message — surrender to the predator within, free yourself from all burdens but the hunt — is an attractive one that has swayed many a Forsaken to the other side. The tribe’s detachment from matters of civilization leaves them unbridled in the savagery of their attacks against human allies and resources that a pack might depend on. Strangest of all are the stories that the Predator Kings just might be right about Pangaea; that their Sacred Hunts can change the relationship between Flesh and Shadow.
The //Ninna Farakh// loathe Paradise City entirely. At best, they could be mistaken for eco-terrorists, though there's not much natural ecology left in the city to protect. They're murderous predators and dwell almost exclusively in Lower Paradi, raiding upwards infrequently. Even the other Pure look askance at the Predator Kings and tolerate them in name only. The Predator Kings would love nothing more than to bring the entire thing crashing down. Not for lack of trying, Paradise City still stands.
Predator King packs are almost all young, extremist werewolves. They have reputations for cannibalism and relish a hunt against the Forsaken. Blood Talon packs sometimes descend to hunt them in turn and it's a common rite of passage among the //Suthar Anzuth// to send them to strike against Predator King territories. The gloriously triumphant return with scars and stories. The failures don't return at all.