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Predator Kings

Ninna Farakh
werewolf tribe / Faction
Old version of Predator Kings
Allegiance: Pure

Even amongst the Pure, the Predator Kings — the Ninna

Farakh — are a byword for brute force and savagery. The worshippers of Dire Wolf care only for the Hunt, and see the efforts of humanity to tame and master the world as a direct affront to the once-and-future paradise of Pangaea. The Predator Kings choose those who fail to appropriately honor the hunt as their sacred prey; they judge modern humanity as guilty, and the Forsaken too.

How does one hunt a monarch of predators? The Predator Kings practice unrivalled physical brutality but they are canny foes who can surprise would-be hunters on a number of levels. The Predator King message — surrender to the predator within, free yourself from all burdens but the hunt — is an attractive one that has swayed many a Forsaken to the other side. The tribe’s detachment from matters of civilization leaves them unbridled in the savagery of their attacks against human allies and resources that a pack might depend on. Strangest of all are the stories that the Predator Kings just might be right about Pangaea; that their Sacred Hunts can change the relationship between Flesh and Shadow.