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The Night's End Kumpania

Night's End
mortal / Faction
Old version of The Night's End Kumpania

Nomadic Roma Group

The Night’s End Kumpania came to Paradi a generation ago; it was a place of opportunity and the heartland of the North American continent. The city rested at the crossroads of the nation, the largest melting pot to be had, and with the mingling of everyone and anyone came a measure of protective camouflage.

Ultimately, the city has not been any kinder to them than it was to anyone else who couldn’t afford to live beneath the actual sun. They’d set up shop in Middle Paradi, back when the city had been newer, and back before things had been as stark. Like their arrival, that too was a generation ago now.

The Travelers have set up a solid home base for themselves in an abandoned parking garage, which they call the "Port". Eight stories tall, it used to be attached to a shopping complex, but that closed down almost twenty years ago now and burned down fifteen years after that. The garage itself remains, condemned and unused, except by the Kumpania.

The Travelers themselves occupy the top several layers; RVs, campers, and cars arranged to form a makeshift mobile community. Power conduits and water pipes have been taped into to provide basic utilities for the people who live there, makeshift NextNet connections have also been set up where the thick concrete didn’t block the signals. The wind that howls through the Middle layer is frigid cold half the year so they’ve erected barriers to keep the worst of it out of their levels. More than one man who has trained with a rifle keeps watch from the heights as well, wary of those who might intrude into their home or mean them harm.

Parking Garage Traits

  • +2 Survival (Located near commercial area)
  • +1 Stealth (Dark corners, concrete stairwells, and large lots with ample cover)