Born Natalie Elizabeth Fields in a small town in Michigan, nothing too insane happened in her childhood. It was only in high school, after her girlfriend broke up with her in favor of the head cheerleader, who'd recently broken up with her boyfriend, that something sort of snapped in her. "I hope you burn with your shame!" she cried out that afternoon.
Two days later, it was on the news. Her ex-girlfriend's house had gone up in flames, with her ex inside. And it seemed to have started in her bedroom.
That night, she dreamed of Sigdís for the first time. At seventeen years old, such an ancient presence in her dream was unusual. Bizarre, even. Sigdís told her that she was destined to be greater. She could change the world around her with a whisper if she wanted — and she already had, once. She had cursed her ex-girlfriend, leading to her death. And there was more she could do. She could learn, improve, grow in power.
Sigdís pointed her towards a coven leader in the next town over; she had to use her weekly allowance money on bus fare, but it was worth it, to sit with the woman and learn to channel her power through not only words, but craft. She made her own set of runes, which she kept in a leather pouch tied at her hip to communicate with Sigdís when necessary. At nineteen, she legally changed her name — surprisingly, her parents didn't try to challenge it — to Runa Sigdisdottir, following Norse naming traditions. The most unusual piece was that she chose to name her Avatar as her Mother.
Two months ago, she moved to New York City, taking up an apprenticeship with the priestess of a local coven of Verbenae, working full time in her new mentor's occult shop, while taking advantage of the access to craftworking tools to carve wood and bone alike. Her mentor allows her to sell her products on a designated shelf in the shop, allowing her to keep two-thirds the profit made on each sale of her own crafts. Beads and divination runes are her favorites to craft.
Runa is a tall and slim young woman standing five feet, nine inches in height, with long dirty blonde hair always held back in at least one braid (though usually more) and clear, pale skin with a neutral undertone. She is neither an exceptional beauty nor plain, with elegant features and well-kept eyebrows.
Her attire has two major collections. The first of these is ritual wear, consisting of trimmed, but simple, full-length dresses of flax linen, with an apron of the same over the top, with brass fibulas and a single strand of bone-crafted beads on thread between them, with plain leather shoes. This is worn for, of course, enacting bigger rituals and assisting her mentor in larger gatherings.
Her second wardrobe consists of more casual attire — plain tee shirts, jeans, and hoodies with nerdy phrases upon them. She also occasionally wears more typical dresses, and on holidays she will wear her ritual attire as casual wear, though without the bone beads.
An entity introducing herself as Sigdís. Runa dreams of her nightly, and communicates with her during the day with a set of Futhark runes carved from antlers. She does not know much about her, or what she truly desires, but she knows her presence is impressive. Runa believes she may be a giantess.
Runa believes that Creation is a divine world of gods and monsters. Sometimes, that's really not a good thing. Much of her belief is drawn from the legends of the Norse gods, and part of that is one day, all of this ends in a fiery, bloody battle. The inevitable is coming eventually, but she has the power to do great things. And so she will. Even if that power isn't exactly from the kindest source
Combining craftwork and witchcraft, Runa's magic is best worked through a combination of bones, symbols, crafting tools, blood, offerings, books, writing, candles, ritual, words, bodywork, and meditation.
A rather recent addition to Runa's life is the raven Saga. Her current mentor suggested she perform a ritual seeking out a familiar, for companionship and perhaps a bit of advice on occasion. It's just Runa's luck, however, that Saga is a relatively young familiar; looks like they'll be learning and growing together.