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Differences on Tic-Tac-Toe (was WtA: Garou: Bone Gnawer Tic-Tac-Toe (NPC))

Differences between by and the current version
He is a middle-aged Mexican male with close-cropped dark hair with salt and pepper highlights. Cheap aviator frames shield his gaze. He dressed in faded camouflage. All patches and even the name badge on his jacket have been ripped away. There is a tenseness to his muscled frame. One expects that when provoked this Ragabash, this Elder, is a fearsome sight to behold. It is rumored that he is a master tactician and his stratagems kept he and his pack alive when all the others fell. The Alpha to Bad Company, Tic-Tac-Toe affectionately dubbed the Generalissimo stepped into the position of Sept Elder with no little reluctance. He is a charismatic individual leaving the sense that everyone is a Forrest Gump to his Lieutenant Dan.