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Differences on Bat Belfry

Differences between by and the current version
Bat claimed Praxis over Newark when the [[Camarilla]] reclaimed New York. It is unclear where this [[Malkavian]] came from, though claims have been made he is an Ancilla, and that he was embraced in Dublin. Others say he is a nobody, others still that he’s a plot by the inconnu. Most people who have met him says he’s stark-raving mad. However, nobody has challenged him in Parsippany and come out alive, so whoever this kindred really is, there is clearly more to him than meets the eye. He is still Prince in name only. Bat Belfry is a gangly fellow, no hair on the top of his head, beard and a mustache, he favors a bowler hat if he feels he can get away with it. Outwardly he is calm and collected, no bizarre mannerisms, aside from a nervous tic that has him reaching for his pocket watch (even if he should be without one) to check the time.