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Differences on Xiao Tian

Differences between by and the current version
==== Xiao Tian ==== Xiao Tian was of mixed Asian descent. Mostly Chinese for those who could tell the difference. But to most, he was some kind of mutt, with blood from around the globe. A bit taller and heftier than average, standing around 189cm and having a goodly amount of weight on his frame. Sturdy, as they say, though by no means fat. Underexercised with a fondness of snacks. He liked to style and colour his hair, giving the impression of being into Mando-pop with his choice of attire and general appearance. Being a foreigner on American soil, he sometimes just leaves people wondering if he's lived under a rock most of his life. He stood out as not belonging, the Nation being somewhere outside of his scope of understanding. He's certainly nice and accommodating to Garou and Kin, but he just seems off somehow. Little mistakes that make people question his presence, his purpose. Yet, he does what he can for those who are willing to give him a chance.