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Differences on Camarilla

Differences between by and the current version
[quote="Benjamin Disraeli"] //"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." // - Benjamin Disraeli////[/quote] The Camarilla, true to it's name, keeps a low profile, even as they drove the Sabbat out of the city, they did so under the guise of an outburst of a string of fires, the war barely even hitting the news. The Masquerade is the chief concern of the Camarilla. With so many vampires on a relatively small area, even with such a large population, it becomes all the more important to keep a hard line on the Masquerade. Even skirting the Masquerade is dangerous, and the Sheriff, [[Qadir Al-Asmai]], is known for his diligence in upholding the peace. [[Prince Baldassare]] has taken up the reigns of the Camarilla, and with an effiency that few could have expected. Still, he was the late Prince's favored childe, rumored to have been embraced separately from the mass-embraces she was known for. Other rumors state that the story of him being her childe is a lie, that the truth is he is in fact much older, and that Michaela never did anything but mass embraces. That would explain how he could wrest control so quickly. Whatever the truth is, Baldassare is in charge. The Prince has quickly made alliances with the Giovanni, the Ravnos and who knows who else? Strange rumors surround the Prince of New York, and the world of darkness is watching him. So far he has passed muster, but the question is for how long... there's always someone in the shadows, waiting for their chance. Seneschal [[Hellene Panhard]], also a confirmed childe of Michaela, serves under the Prince, and performs the duties that falls on her with the efficiency of the Blue bloods. It is a well-known secret that Hellene had her eyes on becoming Prince herself. The Primogen council has had it's up's and downs, a lot of re-arranging and shifting of power there, but currently the primogen are: [[Leanna Raycraft]] (Tremere) That the Tremere has a seat on the council is a given. Their support being one of the bastions of the Camarilla of New York. Leanna Raycraft is a relatively unknown kindred of the Tremere, childe of the Regent. . Her relationship with the Regent seems frosty, to the outside perspective. [[Robert “Skinny Bob” Leeland]] (Nosferatu) “Skinny Bob” is a morbidly obese Nosferatu, with a penchant for being gross, and dressing in khaki shorts and aloha shirts. Rumor has it Skinny Bob was a private dick in life, but most say he was just a plain one. Rumored to be a childe of Calebros, and that that is why he holds the position. [[Zawadi Odhiambo]] (Ventrue) An African Kindred, it is unknown why she left her home country of Kenya, but it is know she has made her home in New York, and has a strong support among various groups of immigrants, as well as being a figure in the African-American community. She plays her cards close to her chest, though it has slipped that she is not entirely happy with her current situation. , though why that is is unknown. [[Christine Babou]] (Toreador) Christine is a French woman, but was embraced by Toreador in New York and has stayed ever since. She can speak fluent English, but sometimes affects an accent because it amuses her. She still speaks fluent French, but her usage of the language heavily betrays her age, even if she looks like she’s 25, she’s not. Broadway is the Toreador primogen's chief interest in the city, but off-Broadway, and any production or show will interest Christine. None of the Primogen are happy with the Prince's decree to add "Advisors to the Prince" to their meeting. (Primogen list can be updated) The clans of the Camarilla are: [[Brujah]], [[Gangrel]], [[Malkavian]], [[Nosferatu]], [[Toreador]], [[Tremere]] and [[Ventrue]]. ==== Notable Camarilla ==== [show] People: Affiliation [[Camarilla]] [/show]