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Differences on Anthony Peterson

Differences between by and the current version
Anthony Peterson was born and raised out east. Growing up he didn't know who his father was, well he found out later, but that will come up. So, he his mother raised him until he was about five years old. Not easy raising a metis child in a major city. By the kindness of his mother's pack alpha, they where given a place that was more or less away from prying eyes. Around when Anthony was five, his mother died during a raid against a local cell of Black Spiral Dancers. Well that is what he was told, and he has, for the most part, not had any reason to doubt the story. After his mothers death, her pack alpha would take Anthony in, and raise him. Being a a metis, and his now adopted father being a public figure was a bit of a issue. So growing up, at least until his first change, Anthony was not allowed outside certain areas of the family estate. So he couldn't go outside, or near any windows.. it was a bit of a drag for the young one. The one saving grace of this, was his adopted father had a small daughter who would help him pass the time. As he got older, he would see less and less of his adopted sister, as she was doing things most kinfolk would be able to do.. go to school, and all that fun stuff. Growing up, even with the restrictions he had, Anthony was a bit of a handful. He was always getting in trouble for looking into things he should not have.. most of it was innocent.. just an overwhelming curiosity of how things where. He was also had a knack of knowing how things worked.. or figuring things out easily. He didn't get the in depth know how of things, but he got the basics easily. Anthony would go through his first change eventually.. taking on the homid form, as he was raised by homids all of his life, and he was most comfortable in this form. He would go through his Rite of Passage as well, shortly after. He earned the name Stalks a Whisper, because he was able to find out a cell of wyrm worshipers in the area, through whispered conversations. It helped when he stalked them to find out where they where based, that for some reason, he doesn't give off a strong scent, not that he would know, as his own sense of smell is nonexistent. Not giving off a strong scent helped him sneak past the guard dogs of the Wyrm Worshipers compound and get all he needed to bring to his adopted fathers pack. He was able to tell his adopted fathers pack everything he seen and heard, having developed a keen memory over the years, and an ability to recall just about everything he saw. His adopted fathers pack would take them down, and give the young metis the barest of credit, but it was enough to become a cliath. One day, Anthony's world came crashing down.. as he was doing some research into a growing wyrm threat.. he ended up putting the pieces together... and he came to a horrible realization.. his adopted father had been playing all of them for a while now. His adopted father was using his power and resources to further the goals of the wyrm in the area. When Anthony went to confront his adopted father about this, he was stopped by his adopted mother.. who told Anthony some horrid news that she found out, and wasn't sure where to go with it. She had learned that her husband wanted to use his daughter in ways a father should not do.. he wanted to breed her to further his line, with a pure heir. Anthony confronted his adopted father with all he had found and with what his adopted mother had revealed to him. The two fought, and by sheer luck Anthony was able to kill his adopted father before being killed himself. After the fight, Anthony was banished from the estate, but the rest of the pack. They thanked him for what he had done, but also cursed him for not bringing this to them so they could take care of their own. They also told Anthony, if he was ever to return, they would kill him in a heartbeat. He was to leave the city, and never look back. Since then he has been traveling the country, doing odd jobs as a private investigator when he can.. now he is coming to New York... about as far from where he was without leaving the country.