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Differences on Cliff Morris (was VtM: Tremere: Cliff Morris (NPC))

Differences between by and the current version
Details to be addedCliff Morris, Regent Morris, if you will, is a man of vision, a Thaumaturgy expert, taught by and working closely with Aisling Sturbridge herself. He was the only choice for Regent after her promotion, as much as the clan outside of New York would have liked to promote someone not tied to Sturbridge. Their contribution instead was to make Leanna Raycraft the Primogen, which is one of the sources to why there's a supposed conflict between the two. True or not, Regent Morris and Primogen Raycraft exhibit a frosty demeanor to each other in public, but never show anything but unity in terms of their goals or dealing with outsiders. Morris himself is rarely seen in the public eye, having other matters to attend to than "Galavanting about town". He is a serious man, of academic leanings, with a track record of making sure that the chantry keeps to it's legacy of being adaptable, and on the fore-front of Thaumaturgical development. Sure, there's not a war on right now, but an ounce of prevention... As leader of the Tremere in the city, Morris commands a great deal of power, and the respect that comes with it. His relationship with the Prince is somewhat indiscernible, on the surface, though Clan Tremere supports the Prince. Then again, they always do. The Tremere leader of New York wears a suit and tie, often a simple but nice look, and is usually accompanied by a ghoul bodyguard. Rumor has it that he, like many kindred of New York, has no actual need of one, but keeps one for appearances.