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Differences on Carson Akkermans

Differences between by and the current version
6'2 and 230 pounds in Homid Form. Long brown hair and beard that are kept clean and trimmed. A piercing gaze and a strong arm but mixed in with some good ol farmboy virtues. Glabro: 7 ft 400 pounds covered in a spike of hair that travel down his back. Carson tends to not speak as much when he is in this form. Crinos: 9'10 and 1000 pounds. With claws that leave a fingers depth into stone. Hispo: 5'10 and 700 pounds. Covered in grey hair with jaws that look like they could fit a mans arm inside. Lupus: 3ft and 120 pounds. Sturdy with a broad chest and a solid stance. Coming from a small town out of Grand Rapids Minnesota as a goat rancher with his father and uncle. My own father a third rank tribe member himself taught Carson the ways of the Fenrir and being a decent man.