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Differences on Brujah

Differences between by and the current version
[quote="Rage Against the Machine"] "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!" [/quote] The Brujah have a long and fractured history in New York, many have come and gone, and many more fallen in the war with the Sabbat. What has stayed, though, is a place, a meeting ground for the Rabble: [[O'Flanagans Bar & Grill]] Sure, there are those who have been successful in the clan, at least at surviving. Notably "Ol' Man Harry" as the younger Rabble call him, and "Kat" or Katherine Wiese as she prefers, the latter only surfacing in the Mid-90's, and withdrawing from politics when Baldassare took over as Prince. The reasons for this, she states, are her own. Harry is likewise not as actively involved, it would seem. The two still reside in the city, but currently they seem to be biding their time. The more active Brujah are the ones who have gone across the river, to join the Baron who is himself of Brujah stock. These openly defy the Prince, though of course there are talks, and lines of communication between the Anarch and the Camarilla, that seem to go through the Brujah clan. ==== Notable Brujah ==== [show] People: Affiliation [[Brujah]] [/show]