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Differences on Harriet`Jayne

Differences between by and the current version
Harriet`Jayne Hansen Was born in LA into a political family of Lawyers and politicians. Her parents were Seraphina and Jonah Hansen a Political family who year after year kept La from moving away from certain area's to protect the veil. Her mother Seraphina worked in the Mayors office. Her father being True kept his distance but held a seat on the council . They were a well respected family. Her father is Jonah Hansen Deeded "Two-Tongue Machiavellian". They were a well established family. Harriet's mother Seraphina died during childbirth of their second child, not long after her father took a new mate bringing her and her children into their home to help raise his infant child. Harriet finished high school with honors graduating through the high school to college program by the end of her senior year she had finish her first year of Registered Nursing training , She was onto her second year now attending college at Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health. By time she was 19 she had completed two years of college got her RN License. She worked around with some of the hospitals within the LA Area which she was quiet content in her in life despite family issues which she tried to stay clear of. Until one evening which she tries to keep buried in the back of her mind but to no avail they haunt her dreams on occasion. The evening of when She watched her Step-Brother kill her father. There was logical reasoning to why he did what he did but out of fear of ruining the family name She was forced to be silent. The secret of that night is why She goes by just Harriet`Jayne and why she was forced by her step-mother to move to New York taking her career a step further. Harriet took a job as a Clinical Consultant and Educator for Medical Devices. This takes her to creative places beyond the hospital bedside, ED, or OR. Harriet still works in the hospital as needed doing her RN duties just with more medical supplies, the pathway to go further in her career and education shall she wish to become a doctor. This means first-hand experience with many of the products themselves. On the occasion she must speak at seminars which is crucial in medical sales. This gives her access to any medical equipment she might need to help the garou nation shall any of them become injured. She can help tend to those. Harriet's pure breeding comes from her parents were that of politicians and lawyers Seraphina and Jonah Hansen. Her father being True kept his distance but held a seat on the council . They were a well respected family. Her father is Jonah Hansen Deeded "Two-Tongue Machiavellian" He earned his deed name when he schemed his way into the bowels of another sept . He managed to do so with such skill as he's master of not saying what he means. Though they eventually caught up with him after the intel was already passed on and their sept was being invaded within the fight three captured him and split his tongue with a blade so now it's forked. And Jonah Hansen himself came from a skilled family his parents were AnnMarie and Gregory Hansen of LA they were Lawyers for the city they would manipulate votes or descions in their favor for the secrete of the Tribes . AnnaMarie Hansen Deeded "The Scarlet Banshee". AnneMarie was deeded this as one evening amongest the midsits of meeting that wasn't going very well on the talks of splitting the city when some BSD infiltrated the building finding herself trapped as she shitted ,those amber eyes of her burned bright red , she slashed out her claws and with deep breath she let out one of the horrific screeching howls one ever heard from a wolf . The howl it self was so ear piercing those near her grabbed their heads as their ears begun to bleed and the windows through the building shattered exploding. Too this day her family manages multiple firms and remain amongst the seats of the council in LA to continue to protect the veil through their cunning deceit. Harriet keeps pretty much to herself . Quiet , reserved yet always observing others. She has a few issues of randomly taking small objects, items mostly things of nonsignificant. In her down time she fiddle with playing the piano , reading or singing to patients after all it is who she is a kind soul unlike her family. Harriet`Jayne stands 5ft2 She's a delicate beauty with long dark hair that usually touseled up into a bun .It’s not about the clothing, the hair, the make-up. It’s about the way her smile radiates warmth, or how she dances when she’s excited, no matter who’s watching about her distinctive personality; She is one who can laugh at anything, including herself, and one who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman, who above all else, knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. These things is what makes her truly a beautiful person.