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Differences on Prisha Anand

Differences between by and the current version
Prisha is a middle-aged Indian woman, dressed conservatively in grey suits or suit-dresses, she looks every bit a business woman. The truth of the matter is that she is a fearsome daeva of a Ravnos, Advisor to the Prince.and some of the more irreverent members of the clan, and some outside, sometimes call her Kali-ma, behind her back. Prisha is the senior Ravnos in the city, and quite possibly one of the more dangerous members of the clan in terms of personal power. The Ravnos on a whole are loosely connected, but they tend to listen when Prisha speaks, out of respect, and/or fear. Prisha's agenda is unclear, to most, aside from working to give the Ravnos a place in New York city, which seems to be the one unifying trait for the clan.