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Differences on Nosferatu

Differences between by and the current version
//"If he's in the the Warrens? Nobody knows what's down there. Sheee-it, nobody's even seen Calebros since he stepped down as High-Muckety Muck. Some say he left the city, but I think that's malarkey, he ain't nevah leavin"// - Anonymous Nosferatu, in a recorded interview with John Hanneman, clan Ventrue, regarding the history of New York ==== Notable Nosferatu ==== [show] People: Affiliation [[Nosferatu]] [/show] Naturally Calebros should be listed among the notable of his Clan, he was Prince of New York, after all, albeit for a short while. Now most would agree that he was only Prince in name, and that the Camarilla used him as a rallying figure after the demise of Prince Michaela. Where he has gone or if he is just hiding somewhere is in anyone's guess, right now. It is known Calebros has not been seen since Prince Baldassare claimed praxis, but nobody has suggested a connection between the two, and most suspect the current Nosferatu Primogen to be working for Calebros, either directly or indirectly. As for the clan itself, there are tons of Nosferatu in New York, though few make enough noise to be known. The city seems to draw them in. There's an ugly aesthetic that appeals to them, a rotten side of the city that just draws them in. And of course, in the words of Agatha Christie herself "It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story." A city like that appeals to the clan who likes to unravel secrets.