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Differences on Leanna Raycraft

Differences between by and the current version
Primogen Raycraft, chosen by the Council of Seven in Vienna, thrust into the intrigues of the other clans, most newly appointed Tremere would choke under pressure. Leanna thrives there, a consummate politician, and an Apprentice of the sixth circle, she is not as young or naive as most would think. She simply hasn't been involved in the outside machinations until she was called to serve as Primogen. Calebros simply called for "a Tremere" and one was provided. She predates the appointment of the Regent, but only by a year or two. In her time as Primogen she has worked hard to include younger Kindred, and to try to stem the tide of them moving across the Hudson to the Anarchs, or worse, the Sabbat. The Anarchs are the ones calling her "The Broomstick Bitch" but the name has been passed around among a few of the Camarilla too. She's aware of it, and not overly concerned as there could be worse things to be called. As Primogen of the Tremere she holds a lot of sway, as any primogen of the clan would in a city like New York. That she knows how to use it makes her all the more dangerous. Her relationship with the Regent is at least seemingly frosty, though they never disagree on anything in public. The Tremere supports the Prince. Whether Leanne does or not is anyone's guess, she is smart enough to not give anything away. Leanne dresses conservatively, preferring a dark suit and shirt of a modest but somehow still flattering cut.