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Differences on Bishop Anguish

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[quote="Ignatius of Antioch"] You must all follow the lead of the bishop, as Jesus Christ followed that of the Father; follow the presbytery as you would the Apostles; reverence the deacons as you would God's commandment. [/quote] Bishop Anguish, Father of the Holy Sword of the Sabbat in Newport, a vampire shrouded in mystery. As of yet there are no pictures of him, no intelligence about him, or information from before the fall of the New York Sabbat. It is suspected to be a male, from the intelligence picked up. He directs the Sabbat in New Jersey, but who in turn directs the Bishop seems more unclear. Rumors has it that Archbishop (if that is his title) Polonia, who once slew the former Prince Michaela is no longer around, some say dead, some say moved on to direct other matters. Which leaves the question, who is behind the Sabbat in New Jersey?