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Differences on Konrad Schwarz

Differences between by and the current version
Konrad is a NY native, born and raised in upstate NY in a quiet rural town. He grew to be a strong young man in a strict family. Kids walked on the far side of the hallway. Teachers kept marking papers with low marks but the wrestling coach saw a promising pupil. as a shadow began to grow taller and people began to look up when they spoke the, shadow speaking down but never talking down respect was a lesson in the household. that is until a storm began to stir. throwing this life into the maelstrom, it was a midwinter night from an out of town match. Heading home from the game Konrad's Wrestling team was celebrating a win as the gale started to stir on those long forested back roads and the blizzard began the driver looked concerned as the massive storm began to swallow the road and the surroundings white was all on all sides of the vehicle the gusts of snow surrounded the bus like wolves. The bus was thrown off the road by ice and a snow drift, for Konrad all he could remember was the screaming and being thrown inside the bus as he put up his arms.... which were covered in dark fur, the next thing he knew he woke up on the side of the road , surrounded by a chaotic scene surrounded by some of the occupants from the bus. They lie broken and bloody from the crash the bus far from him, did he get thrown out of it when it crashed?! a figure approaches him, its the bus driver? As it turns out Konrad got lucky and it seems the Nation had eyes on him already they had sent Barnabas a Shadowlord Ragabash to watch over the wrestling team that night knowing that there was a Garou amongst them. Ever since then Konrad had to learn a lot of the Garou Nation and its strict social hierarchy and his place in it being taught by the sept's elders and other Garou more experienced than he , he learned how to fight and how to put plans into motion using his guile and schemes particularly learning much from his fellow Shadow Lord Barnabas. for his Rite of Passage Konrad was tasked with Uprooting a city subway trainyard company that was exploiting its workers , they were being overworked , long hours and as it turns out it was moving dubious cargo around the city. Cargo, that the Russian Mafia was interested in intercepting. the result was workers went on strike and the Yardboss was deposed while the Mafia put its own man in the office one placed there by the Russian mob with the help from Konrad. Also as a plus the workers are treated more fairly. the strong overthrew the weak as nature intended. Since then Konrad has managed to find his niche when it came to setting the balance and being the muscle for the elders of the sept carrying out his station with Honor and protecting his influences in the underbelly occasionally doing an odd job here and there where muscle was needed. and in those dirty jobs he learned how to move quietly and a few other important tricks like how to brace a broken leg or sew an open wound when things got a little too lively in the business. for the money is just a means to an end and along the way he managed to gain some allies in the kinfolk of NYC through his efforts he managed to save some of them from extortion from other criminal groups. Konrad is a 7'4" Caucasian with dark hair , he is built like a lumberjack with a warm personality. Konrad is a simple man he is not much with words and more of a man of action.