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Jim Teller

James Boone Teller, Son of the Open Skies
WtA / Person
Old version of Jim Teller

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Residence: War Pigs MC
Affiliation: War Pigs, Fianna
Age: 28
Type: Garou
Occupation: Mechanic
Breed Form: Homid

Jim is the Alpha of the Twice-Named and a mechanic at Kerr Automotive Repair Shop and Towing Service. He is also President of the War Pigs MC.

Personal History

Jim grew up in the word of 1% Outlaw MCs. His father, Jefferson Teller, was a member of the Moon Riders Outlaw MC. The members of the MC were generally Fianna, Get of Fenris, and Shadow Lords Kinfolk. They were a tight community with strong traditions as well as providing services to their Tribes, the Nation, and their communities. However, they had more glory in their biker world than among the Garou and Kinfolk. They were too involved in petty feuds with their rivals and in some business the Garou would never have stood for had they known. Jim was always around their Clubhouse in Phoenix and he was working in their shop learning to repair cars and bikes from the time he was a kid. However, there were also long stretches when his father was on the road or in jail. His mother, Mary Pierce Teller, pretty much raised him. While he knew he was Kin, Jim had few dealings with the Garou as a child and no close Garou] relatives. It never even occurred to him that he might be Trueborn. His relationship with the Nation was largely just a broad sense of community, but he had a much tighter one around the Moon Riders and their families. He planned to Prospect for them as soon as he got out of high school.

Jim grew up with the values of that world. The open road, the spirit of rebellion, the tight sense of community, and a refusal to settle things through law enforcement, who he grew to dislike and distrust at an early age. He saw them as biased, authoritarian, willing to destroy lives and communities over petty infractions or to validate their own position. However, Jim was not against all authority. He also grew up with a respect for the laws and traditions of club and community, a respect that would later go well with his calling as a Philodox and with the laws and customs of Garou society. One thing he didn’t like was the degree to which the Moon Riders fell into the same traditional gender roles as most traditional 1%er MCs. Women could not be full-patched members and the Club was sometimes restrictive with club girls and “Old Ladies.” The President of the Moon Riders, a Shadow Lord Kinfolk named Bill Lynch, was one of the worst about this.

Jim’s first change came during an encounter with Lynch. There was a young woman named Jennifer Swift who was always hanging around. One day, Bill completely lost his temper with her. He was screaming at her and when he first actually struck her that’s when Rage poured burning through Jim and the First Change came on him. It would have been the end of Bill except that his first target was the symbol of Bill’s authority and standing, his bike. The fresh turned Garou smashed it beyond all possibility of recovery, tossing it around and tearing it apart. The Club being Kin, someone had the presence of mind to call a Trueborn cousin and Garou were soon on the scene to get Jim under control. They also insisted Bill be removed from his position and exerted some authority in straightening out the Club, not that Jim had any further involvement.

After that, he went through intense training by the Fianna and went through his right of passage. He fell in with the War Pigs and moved to New York where he took up work as a mechanic and they set up the MC on the same lot. He advanced to Fostern fighting in defense of the Sept against an attack by Black Spiral Dancers.