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WtA: Garou: Shadow Lord: Ardent Cantor (NPC)

WtA: Alias: Roman, WtA: Alias: The Vizier, WtA: Alias: Union Thug
Garou Shadowlord Athro Galliard NPC Rags To Riches / Person
Old version of Ardent Cantor
Residence: Teamster's Union
Age: 30
Type: Garou
Occupation: Union Leader/Speechwriter
Purebreed: 2
Sept Position: Master of the Howl
Breed Form: Homid

Name: Roman Slavik

Tribe: Shadowlord

Purebreed: 2

Deeded Name: Ardent Cantor

Age: 30

Auspice: Galliard

Rank: Athro

Pack: Rags to Riches

Totem: Wyvern

Sept Position: Master of the Howl

Vital Information

Ardent Cantor is known among the Garou as a rabble rouser, a master of secrets, and a purveyor of the allegorical tale. A Seattle native, he was the son of two Shadowlord kinfolk. Growing up in a progressive city, he watched his mother amass wealth and land for the tribe through her thriving real-estate agency. His father was a lawyer, a member of the city council, and an outspoken activist. Speechcraft was genetic. His talent for the spoken word and musical accomplishments developed at an early age. His high-school grunge band were politically motivated and talented enough to be offered a record contract that they turned down at Roman’s insistence. Growing up in Garou society, he knew well his duties to both tribe and nation.

His first change came at the age of fourteen following a music festival. The day had been a disaster. Fighting heavy traffic his band nearly missed their performance. After forty-five minutes on a sweltering stage he found he had forgotten his wallet. The food and drinks were overpriced, and he’d only a crumpled one dollar bill in his pocket. He had been driving the van with the band’s equipment. The radiator blew miles from home leaving him walking along the highway in what became a sudden, summer storm in search of a gas-station. As thunder rumbled overhead he was attacked, pulled over the guardrail and into the bushes by unknown fomori assailants… He was victorious, in his rage, his howl calling nearby Garou to his aid.

The years passed. Due to the effects of his Rage, he could not follow in the steps of his lawyer father.

His mate of many years failed to produce a child, and eventually took her own life. Not long after, he left Seattle in order to journey to the East Coast. He’d heard of the fall of the Sept and the rise of A Sept of a Fightin’ Chance through his kinfolk contacts.

His activism is best served behind the scenes. He uses his oratory and written abilities to write speeches for appointed kinfolk that he personally trains to assist unions involved in labor disputes with Pentex affiliates. To further the position of the Shadowlords within the city he has attained the Sloane Mansion. How the funds were attained remains a matter of contention and much speculation among Garou and Kinfolk alike.

Roman’s right-hand man in the city is a well-known kinfolk named Yuri Orlov. Yuri is the president of the local Teamsters Union. He and Roman have a long history. Ivan has requested Roman’s assistance on various past project when tying up loose ends that require Garou intervention.

The local Teamsters included members from various sectors including Construction, Public Employment, Freight, Health Care, Warehouse, Law Enforcement, Public and School Busing, Industrial and Miscellaneous others.

Little happens among the Union Workers that Yuri isn’t aware of. When situations arise that are of importance to the Garou Nation, Roman through his network initiates a campaign to raise public awareness or to rally other Garou to investigate further.

By holding sway over the Teamsters, Shadowlord influence within the city is vast and far-reaching.

Physical Description

A swarthy skinned man, Roman has piercing green eyes and a Hawk-like nose. His dark hair is neatly trimmed, and his face is clean shaven. His voice is commanding, mesmerizing, and persuasive. He is always seen in well-tailored suits custom fitted to his muscular frame. Golden cufflinks with a matching tie-clip are always visible. A Rolex watch is ever-present on his wrist.