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Hellene Panhard

Seneschal Panhard, Queen Heavy
VtM Ventrue Camarilla / Person
Old version of Hellene Panhard
Affiliation: Vampire, Camarilla, Ventrue
Occupation: Seneschal

(This NPC is from New York by Night, revised, and also appears in the video game Coteries of New York, from where the picture is taken, additional details and phrasings are my own, extrapolated from the existing character as changed to fit in with the setting of this game)

Hellene should have been Prince. She wants to be Prince instead of the Prince. She is, however the Seneschal, and as such she wields almost the same power, and she openly supports Prince Baldassare, though will not speak of whether or not they share a lineage or not. Perhaps she doesn't know what the truth of the matter is. For her own part, she wields power well, and for someone who was Mass-embraced by late Prince Michaela, she sure has risen to the top from what was humble origins.

Hellen is a portly figure, with fairly plain features, something she is secretly not so happy about. Nor does she enjoy the various nicknames for her that stem from across the Hudson, attributing to this fact.