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Jami Sinkonnen

Old version of Jyrki Raikkonen

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Affiliation: Tradition
Age: 23
Type: Mage
Occupation: Musician

The first thing you notice about Jami, is he stands at 6ft 1 in. He has stringy, long shoulder length dark brown hair, which looks red when the light hits it a certain way that is sometimes tied back in a ponytail and sensual, almost hypnotic emrald green eyes that look like they hold unbridled passion or charisma in them. You would notice that he is clean-shaven and has androgynous facial features, which makes him look cute if not handsome to some people.

As you look at Jami, you might notice that he does not have this over muscular tone that is associated with bodybuilders or the type that spends all day in the gym, but rather a slender frame, like a dancer or cat, full of energy and grace contained and waiting to explode into violence. When he speaks, you would notice his voice is accented and somewhat deep hinting that he is european, yet at the same time sensual and erotic like Jim Morrisons, also the way he moves and speaks is almost spell binding to watch, almost like a force of nature, you cant help but look and watch him.