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Daisy Calhoun

Pa's Princess, No Moon's Bane, Worth It
Bone Gnawers Kinfolk Hillfolk Barking Chain / Person
Old version of Daisy Calhoun
Affiliation: Gaian, Bone Gnawers, Hillfolk
Age: 19
Type: Kinfolk
Occupation: Barking Chain Organizer/Cook
Purebreed: 0

Daisy is a beautiful Bone Gnawer Kinfolk whose skill at networking is matched only by her ability to make other tribes question the merits of Pure Breed. Her overprotective Pa has made it difficult for anyone to get too close to her, though rumors abound of a certain reckless idiot taking bird shot and some time stuck in a bear trap to win her favor.

She's a backwoods kind of girl, of Hillfolk extraction, and has inherited her father's penchant for cooking. For all her adherence to ladylike mores of another time, she is quite capable of drinking hefty men under the table and willing to haul off and punch someone if they've earned it. Including trueborn Garou.

Stubborn, a bit jealous, and occasionally unwisely interested in bad boys, when push comes to shove, she rallies the Barking Chain and supports the efforts of the Nation.